Our success stories

Personal contact with our customers is our top priority. Our aim is to understand your individual needs precisely and to work together with you as partners. This is the only way we can develop solutions that really make your day-to-day work easier.

This is where we give the floor to our users: find out first-hand how they benefit from our products and what experiences they have had with us. Let us inspire you and convince you of the possibilities that our solutions offer.


Optimized workflow for physicians and patients – save time with easyRadiology

The easyRadiology image management system creates an innovative digital workflow that saves valuable time and unnecessary work for everyone involved – radiologists and practice staff, referring physicians and patients. We actively address the topics of “digitalization” and “efficient workflows” with our solutions and help to ensure that diagnoses can be shared more quickly and the start of treatment for patients can be significantly accelerated.

Claudia Mührer, CEO at easyRadiology